Prečo programovanie v Go?

Saturday, Jun 27, 2020 by Nelo

V tomto videu si ukážeme prečo vznikol tento programovací jazyk a dáme si ochutnávku čo ponúka, ale povieme si aj o kritike Go. Prejdeme si základné vlastnosti a čo na Go hovoria osobnosti ako autori Wordpressu, ExpressJS alebo NodeJS.


  1. Prečo vznikol tento programovací jazyk
  2. Ciele návrhu Go
  3. Vlastnosti
  4. Popularita
  5. Kritika
  6. Čo hovoria osobnosti - Matt Mullenweg, TJ Holowaychuk, Ryan Dahl

Hlavné výhody Go

  • Súbežnosť (Concurrency)
  • Staticky typované
  • Automatický manažment pamäte
  • Vysoký výkon
  • Škálovateľnosť
  • Cross-platformové
  • Bohaté knižnice a nástroje

Kde a ktoré spoločnosti používajú Go?

Go popularita stále rastie a dnes ho používa na kritické vysokovýkonné riešenia stále viac veľkých spoločností.

PayPal: Golang at PayPal For Modernizing And Scaling

In our tightly managed environments where we run Go code, we have seen a CPU reduction of approximately ten percent with cleaner and maintainable code. – Bala Natarajan, Sr. Director of Engineering

American Express: American Express Uses Golang for Payments & Rewards

From a performance perspective, we saw that Go lived up to its promise. – American Express team

Salesforce: Salesforce Switched from Python to Golang for Einstein Analytics

If we ever need any of this code in a mobile app, we can cross-compile it to iOS or Android and it will just work," Le Stum notes. – Principal Architect Guillaume Le Stum o kóde napísanom v Golang

Uber Engineered Highest Query Per Second Using Golang

Golang helped with High throughput and lower latency — On every request from Uber’s mobile apps Geofence lookups are required and it should quickly respond to the high rate of queries, optimum CPU Utilization, smooth-running background loading and increased developer productivity. Looking back, we are extremely happy with our decision to Golang for it and write our service in a new language. – Uber Engineering

Golang - A Recommended Technology for Target’s Engineering Staff

We were all very pleased with the progress the Go project had achieved over the last two years and with the teams using Go. – Target Technology Services

Netflix Uses Golang For Rend Proxy

To handle tens of thousands of concurrent connections - Rend Proxy is a high-performance server that speaks the binary and text Memcached protocols. It is written in Go and relies heavily on goroutines and other language primitives to handle concurrency. – Netflix Tech Blog

Dailymotion Team

The app is written in Go and has greatly improved our efficiency when adding and removing access to our infrastructure. – Dailymotion Team

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